Creare una nuova voce in Anagrafica

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Nella sezione Anagrafica del paziente, cliccando in Nuovo elemento è possibile aggiungere nuovi documenti al profilo del paziente. 

La lista di documenti può essere estesa all'infinito. E' possibile infatti inserire diversi tipi di documenti nelle Impostazioni nella sezione Tabelle di sistema.

To edit the entries of patient demographics

  • click on the menu item System -> Configuration / administration -> Settings -> System -> System tables or
  • click on the button Demographics -> New entry -> Administrate entries.



Cryo contract

Cryo contract.


Explanation of the fields:

Contract date: date of contract signature.

Contract start: date of the specified contract start.

Contract no.: identification number of the contract.

Contract: duration of the contract.

Frequency: billing cycle.

Amount: predefined contract amount per billing cycle.

Payment method: choice of payment.

Created by: creator of the contract document.

Status: status of the contract. If it is current or already finished.

Note: space for notes.

Straw selection: list of available Straws of the selected patient. Put a check mark in the column "For contract" to assign this Straw to the contract.

Document: add an existing document.

Create contract document: creating a new contract document.

Click here to read more about adding new Cryo contracts.

Click here to know how to configure Cryo contracts and accounting.

Click here to get an overview about Cryo contracts and accounting.



Document storage, Refferer, System table

Document storage.

Create a new document. It will be saved with the type: document storage.

  • After pressing the file symbol, the corresponding file will open in the accounting standard program.
  • The selected fields will be copied in the standard file storage folder of MediTEX IVF and stored in a sub folder named after the patient ID.
  • The path to the standard file storage folder can be changed in the settings in the section System.
  • All created documents will be displayed on the Demographics screen in tabular form, sorted by entry date.
  • Alternatively: Press the QM-button to add staff, material, times or free fields. (You need to define QM domains in the settings before you can use them.)

On a patient Demographic page, clicking on New entry will be possible to add new documents to this patient profile.

The list could be extended indefinitely. You can add entry types at the system tables in the settings.

To edit the entries of patient demographics

  • click on the menu item System -> Configuration / administration -> Settings -> System -> System tables or
  • click on the button Demographics -> New entry -> Administrate entries.
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