Female examinations

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Female examinations.


The Examinations page is divided in two main parts:

  • The top part contains a summary of previous pregnancies (only for the female patient) and some anthropometric data.
  • The bottom part contains a list of all Examinations performed.
If the summary of previous pregnancies is clicked a window showing the outcome will open.



Buttons with a blue dotted frame have special functionalities. Click on it to have more information.

Home button: click on this icon to go to the starting window.
New examination: to document the findings of an examination just click on the arrow at the right of the New examination icon and choose the examination desired.
Print: click on this icon to print the list of Medical Histories and messages.
New message: click on this button to send a message to the patient. This message can be an SMS, an email or a web portal message.

Go to partner: click here to go to the partner's examinations.

With these two buttons you can decide how much rows you see in the list. (Expand all rows, Collapse all rows)


Clickable areas

Clickable areas with a blue dotted frame have special functionalities. Click on it to have more information.

Here you can add the date of initial consultation. Enter it manually or open the calendar view with a click on the little arrow.
This area displays information about the physical attributes of the patient.
Previous pregnancies: click on this link to open  a window showing more info related to previous pregnancies' outcome.
The only difference between female and male patient is that for the male patient, only Male findings is available as a New examination.
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