Change resource

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Revision as of 10:45, 8 November 2012 by JuRu (Talk | contribs)

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Add or delete a resource.



Add a new resource with the start date, the end date and the duration.
Remove the selected resource.
Copy the selected appointment and save it as a new one.
Delete the appointment. After deleting, go back to the main window.
Cancel your entry. After canceling, go back to the main window.
Save your entry. After saving, go back to the main window.


Clickable Areas



The loupe show the mask with the detailed personal data of the patient.

With the -Button at the right side can you remove the patient.


Choose a Treatment from the list.

In the field "subject" it can be written the name of a new patient or other notes.

You can set a filter after linked resources (Doctors, Nurses...).



Set the date on the left an the time on the right.



Appointment Reminder. Change the reminder time.

It will remind you of an appointment.

Add new important notes to this appointment, or pick one existing note from the list.


Predefined notes for appointments


In this window you can see all the predefined notes. Notes can be added, deleted or edited.

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