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Torna alla home page del Manuale MedITEX IVF

MedITEX IVF Homepage


Per inserire i dati del paziente come indirizzo, telefono, documenti ecc. accedere alla sezione Anagr. Paziente premendo il tasto a sinistra. 

To document patient's medical history access the Medical history section clicking on
    To document the results of lab exames access the Lab. diagnostics section clicking on
    To document Female findings access the Female exam. section clicking on
    To document Male findings access the Male exam. section clicking on
    To start a new therapy access the Therapy section clicking on
    To plan a therapy access the Planned therapies section clicking on

After logging in with your individual password you will first see the MedITEX IVF main window also called Homepage. On the main screen you will see important patient-related information of the selected couple, such as epicrisis and attention/note messages, as well as an overview of all previous therapies.


Patient info

On the top part of the homepage are summarized the patient info (female on the left and male on the right). Each panel displays a gray box containing information on weight, height and BMI (and for female patient the Gravida and Para info), a blue box that summarizes the material present in the cryostorage for the patient and a bottom gra box summarizing information such as: date of first interview, attending physician, date of the latest medical history, previous ART treatments etc. It is possible to access directy to the medical history by clicking on the grey boxes or to the cryostorage for that given patient by clicking on the bluebox.

Messages and lab findings

In this area are published the results of lab diagnostics or attention/note messages. The user may choose in the system settings page which are the lab parameter to be published. If the parameter is red it means that the lab test has reached the expiry date set by the user. The attention/note messages may be created by the user in the Medical History section. Double clicking on a row containing a message or a finding will open the related window.

Search for patients

In this section it is possible to search for existing patients or create new patients or couples. To search for a patient just type in surname, or date of birth or patient ID. It is also possible to type a part of surname or patient ID in order to find all the patients with the same root. The patient may be selected just double clicking on her/his name. The patient will be shown along with her/his partner (if present). Clicking on this icon  will allow to insert a single patient whilst clicking on this icon   will allow to insert a couple.

Creating a new patient

  • Press the button
  • Enter patient ID, gender, birthday, surname and name.
  • Then click “OK”.

Note: if the patient ID is set to be automatically generated it won't be possible to fill this field.

Creating a new couple

  • Press the button and the "Define new couple window" will pop up

  • Select a new woman or man from the lists OR add a new patient and a new partner with "Add new woman/man" buttons.
  • When adding a new woman or man, enter patient ID, birthday, surname and name.
  • Select the woman and the man by clicking on their names in the lists.
  • Then click “OK”.
  • The patient data of both persons will be displayed in a new window


Overview of treatments

In the bottom section of the homepage are summarized the treatments.

Meaning of the columns:

  • Start: is the date when the therapy started
  • Type: type of treatment
  • Partner: male partner for the selected treatment
  • Sperms: method of the sperm collection for the sample used in the treatment
  • Stimulation: date of the first day of stimuation/days of stimulation
  • Therapy: summary of the therapy
  • Cryo: material cryostored in the therapy
  • PG: summary of the pregnancy
  • Children: children born
  • Th./Med./Pro.: a green light states that all the information required by therapy, medical history and DIR prospectivity has been documented
  • Note: the notes related to the therapy, if existing, are shown here
  • Lock symbol green means that the therapy is still open, otherwise the therapy is locked. To lock a therapy right click on the lock symbol, select the "Lock therapy" statement and press yes. When a therapy is locked it is no more possible to modify the related data. The therapy may be unocked by an admin by right clicking on the lock symbol and inputing the password.