MedITEX Data Exporter

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MedITEX Data Exporter

The MedITEX Data Exporter allows you to export all personal data of a selected patient. The data is exported either in CSV or in JSON format. 

Main window

This is the MedITEX Data Exporter main window.

At the top of the window you can choose a patient for whom you want to create an export.

Depending on your settings you must confirm that you have a consent to do the eyport. 

After selecting a patient, you can select and unselect the data you want to export. If you want to copy the filestorage of the selected patient, you need to check the checkbox below the grid. 

To start the export you finally you need to press the export button. 


From the main menue you can get to the Configurations and to the Protocol

Export informations

Before the export is completed, you must select a location where you want to save the folder.

After the export has been completed you will see an overview of the performed export.



From here you have several options to continue: 

You will be forwarded directly to the location of the created archive to transfer the data to the patient
The displayed information will be printed
Forwards you to the main window



Here you will get an overview of the already performed exports. With the help of the filters you can find desired exports faster.


 By pressing this button you also have the possibility to display the export information for an already performed export


Configurations are divided into two parts: Settings and Export informations

Settings can only be changed by admins. Export informations only displays informations of the created folder structure.




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