MedITEX API manual

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Obtained using the mexAPI.dll it is possible to get reports out of MedITEX IVF by calling the functions which are included in the DLL. It is also conceivable to control program functions in MedITEX IVF out of another program.




This function enables the export of files and reports out of MedITEX IVF with LDT. File format is CSV.

function ExportCSVData (AUser, APassword:  PAnsiChar; AExportID: PAnsiChar; APathAndFile: PAnsiChar; AFilter: PAnsiChar = nil): Integer; stdcall;            

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.
AExportID (PAnsiChar) This is the ID of your report.
APathAndFile (PAnsiChar)
Path where the file should be saved.                                                               
AFilter (PAnsiChar, optional)

Filter condition for the export.

Example: Patient_ID = 1000 and dt_gewinnung > '01.01.2010'

Return type: The type of the return value is integer. The function returns 1 on success or -1 on failure.




This function offers the opportunity to call up the cryo storage in MedITEX IVF using the DLL.

The parameters user, password (PAnsiChar) and patientID (PAnsiChar) should be passed to the function.

After each call of the function, if MedITEX is running, the cryo storage of the respective patient will open.

function OpenPatientCryoOverview (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; APatientID: PAnsiChar): Integer; stdcall;

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar)    
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                          
APatientID (PAnsiChar) This is the ID of your patient.

Return type: The type of the return value is integer. The function returns 1 on success or -1 on failure.




With this function it is possible to open the patient overview window in MedITEX IVF using the DLL.

The parameters user, password (PAnsiChar) and PatientenID (PAnsiChar) has to be passed to the function. After calling the function the patient overview window opens, if MedITEX IVF is running.

function OpenPatientOverview (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; APatientID: PAnsiChar): Integer; stdcall; 

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar)   
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                         
APatientID (PAnsiChar) This is the ID of your patient.

Return type: The function returns 1 on success or -1 on failure as an integer.





After calling the function, a window opens, where you can search a patient.

function GetPatientID (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; AFilter: PAnsiChar = nil): PAnsiChar; stdcall; 

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar)  
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        

AFilter (PAnsiChar = nil)














You can restrict the search by specifying the filter.


Filters based on the following criteria are possibly:

  • Title
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • City
  • Street
  • Phone number
  • Mobile phone number



  • Date of birth > '01/01/1985'
  • First name like 'Example%'

Return type: The type of the return value is PAnsiChar. The function returns the PatientenID on success or -1 on failure.





With this function, you can get the name of a patient.

function GetPatientName (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; APatientID: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; stdcall; 


As parameter the function expects the PatientenID, AUser and APassword of type PAnsiChar.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) 
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        
APatientID (PAnsiChar) This is the ID of your patient.

Return type: The function returns the name of the patient on success or -1 on failure with type PAnsiChar.





With this function, you can get the ID of the patients partner.

function GetPartnerPatID (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; APatientID: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; stdcall;


As parameter the function expects the PatientenID of type PAnsiChar.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) 
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        
APatientID (PAnsiChar) This is the ID of your patient.

Return type: The type of the return value is integer. The function returns the name of the partner on success or -1 on failure.





This function allows you to see all cycles of the transferred patient.

function GetTherapieID (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; APatientID: PAnsiChar): Integer; stdcall;


As parameter the function expects the PatientenID of type PAnsiChar.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) 
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        
APatientID (PAnsiChar) This is the ID of your patient.

After this function has been called, the following overview window opens:


Tihs window is showing all cycles from the transferred patient. Choose the wished cycle.

Return type: The type of the return value is integer. The function returns the TherapieID on success or -1 on failure.





This function enables to see all semen analysis of the transferred patient.

function GetSpermiogrammID (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; APatientID: PAnsiChar): Integer; stdcall;


As parameter the function expects the PatientenID of type PAnsiChar.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) 
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        
APatientID (PAnsiChar) This is the ID of your patient.

After this function has been called, the following window opens:


This window is showing all semen analysis from the transferred patient. Choose the wished semen analysis.

Return type: The type of the return value is integer. The function returns the SpermiogrammID on success or -1 on failure.






function GetEZID (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; ATherapieID: Integer): Integer; stdcall;


As parameter the function expects the TherapieID of type integer.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) 
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        
ATherapieID (Integer) This is the ID of a cycle.

After calling this function, the following window opens:


This window is showing all egg cells from the transferred cycle. You can choose the wished egg cell.

Return type: The function returns the EZID on success or -1 on failure of type integer.






function GetMeditexEZID (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; aEZID: Integer): Integer; stdcall;


This function expects as parameter the EZID from type integer.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) 
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        
aEZID (Integer) This is the ID of an egg cell.

Return type: The type of the return value is the corresponding MeditexEZID on success or -1 of the type integer on failure.






function GetKulturtag (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; aEZID: Integer): Integer; stdcall;


This function expects as parameter the EZID from type integer.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) 
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        
aEZID (Integer) This is the ID of an egg cell.

Return type: The function returns the corresponding culture day on success or -1 on failure of type integer.






function GetKulturtagAsDate (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; aEZID: Integer): PAnsiChar; stdcall;


This function expects as parameter the EZID from type integer.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) 
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        
aEZID (Integer) This is the ID of an egg cell.

Return type: The function returns the corresponding culture day on success or -1 on failure of type PAnsiChar.







function SaveEZImage (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; aEZID: Integer; APathAndFile: PAnsiChar): Integer; stdcall;


This function expects as parameter the EZID from type integer and the fully path of the image to be stored.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) 
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        
aEZID (Integer) This is the ID of an egg cell.
APathAndFile (PAnsiChar) Path where the file should be saved.                                                              

Return type: The function returns the 1 on success or -1 on failure.






function SaveUSImage (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; APatID: PAnsiChar; ADatum: PAnsiChar; APathAndFile: PAnsiChar; ATypUS: Integer = 1; AAnamneseSubTyp: Integer = 37): Integer; stdcall;


This function expects as a required parameter the User, Password and PatientenID as PAnsiChar, the Date and the full file path of the image to be stored. Optional the US type can be entered (1: follicle, 2: pregnancy) and the particular AnamneseItemSubtyp has to be 37.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar) 
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        
APatID (PAnsiChar)
This is the ID of your patient.
ADatum (PAnsiChar) The date of recording.
APathAndFile (PAnsiChar) Path where the file should be saved.                                                              
ATypUS (Integer = 1)  
AAnamneseSubTyp (Integer = 37)  

Return type: The function returns the 1 on success or -1 on failure.






function GetInkubatorID (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; AFilter: PAnsiChar = nil): Integer; stdcall;

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar)  
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                        

AFilter (PAnsiChar = nil)












You can restrict the search by specifying the filter.


Filters based on the following criteria are possibly:

  • Description
  • Active
  • Location of
  • Incubator no.



  • Active = 1
  • like ‘XY%’
  • Incubator no > 20

After calling this function, a selection dialog opens:


Return type:






function SaveFileToInkubator (AUser, APassword: PAnsiChar; aInkubatorID: Integer; APathAndFile: PAnsiChar; ADatum : PAnsiChar = nil; NewRecordInDatabase: boolean = true): Integer; stdcall;



This function expects as parameter the InkubatorID from type integer and the fully path of the file to be stored.

AUser, APassword (PAnsiChar)
A specific user in MedITEX IVF which can be used in external programs.                       
aInkubatorID (Integer)  
APathAndFile (PAnsiChar) Path where the file should be saved.                                                             
ADatum (PAnsiChar = nil)  
NewRecordInDatabase(Boolean = true)  


Optional parameters:

Date (PAnsiChar) Default -> file date.

NewRecordInDatabase (Boolean)



Default -> true.

  • True: File is copied into the storage directory and a database entry takes place.
  • False: File is copied into the storage directory.

Return type: The function returns the 1 on success or -1 on failure.









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