How to cultivate oocytes with the Table representation tab?

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The data is entered block by block from left to right. The table is basically made up of two parts:

  • one for IVF (on the top) and
  • one for ICSI (on the bottom).


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  • Fields with a red background do not only show you errors but also lead you on the “right path” to the embryo transfer and cryoconservation.
  • The main treatments (IVF, ICSI, etc) are displayed in the middle on top of the mask. You can assign semen analysis by double-clicking these fields.



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The field "total" in the block "Follicle aspiration" will automatically display the oocytes entered in the tab "Aspiration". If the development status is known, indicate it in the fields below.

  • Enter total amount of mature oocytes in metaphase II in the field "MII".
  • Enter total amount of immature oocytes in the field "GV" or metaphase I in the field "MI". The field "immature" automatically will be filled.
  • Enter total amount of atretic oocytes in the field "Atr.".

The fields in the block "Ooc. thawing" below will be filled out automatically if you thaw unfertilized oocytes.



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In the block "From fol. aspiration" you can enter all treatments or processes related to the unfertilized oocytes from the aspiration. Here you can also indicate a transfer in the framework of a GIFT cycle or a cryoconservation of the unfertilized oocyte.

In the block “From ooc. thawing” below, you can enter the respective treatments of unfertilized oocytes from the Oocyte-thawing process.

  • Enter the total amount of oocytes treated with IVF in the field "IVF".
  • Enter the total amount of oocytes treated with ICSI in the field "ICSI".
  • Enter the total amount of cryoconserved, unfertilized oocytes in the field "Cryo”.
  • Enter the total amount of oocytes transfered in the framework of a GIFT therapy in the field “GIFT”.
  • Enter the total amount of untreated or lost oocytes in the field "Discarded".


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As soon as you have entered at least one oocyte for IVF or ICSI in the block “Treatment”, this can be seen in the panel "Treatments and treatment semen analysis" on top of the mask.

Double-click on the corresponding treatment. The window "Treatment semen analysis" will open. Click <a href="/index.php?title=Treatments_and_treatment_semen_analysis">here</a>, to go to the window.


Pronucleus stages

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Here you can document the fertilization results in the pronucleus stage (on day 1 after IVF/ICSI), divided in IVF (block "from IVF") and ICSI (block "from ICSI").

  • Enter the total amount of regularly impregnated oocytes in the 2PN stage in the field “2PN”.
  • Enter the total amount of oocytes in the 1PN stage in the field "1PN".
  • Enter the total amount of oocytes with 3 or more pronuclei in the field ">=3PN".
  • Enter the total amount of unfertilized oocytes in the 0PN stage in the field “0PN”.
  • Enter the total amount of atretic or lost oocytes after IVF or ICSI in the field "Atretic".        

The fields in the block PN-thawing will be filled out automatically as soon as oocytes are thawed in the PN stages in the course of the active cycle.


2 PN selection

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In the two blocks "2PN from IVF" and "2PN from ICSI" you can document the use of regularly impregnated prenucleus stages (2PN stages).

According to the German Embryo Protection Law, three impregnated oocytes (pronucleus stages) have to be selected for the embryo transfer before the karyogamy.

  • Enter the total amount of the selected 2PN stages for the embryo transfer in the field "for culitvat." (max. 3).
  • If you wish to cryoconserve the surplus of 2PN oocytes, enter the number of oocytes to be frozen in the fields “Cryo”.  The mask “Cryoconservation” will open, which has been filled out accordingly.
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The fields “Cryo” will be filled out automatically if oocytes in the PN stage have been frozen during the active cycle.

  • Enter the total amount of transfered oocytes in the 2PN stage in the field "2PN trans.".
  • Enter the total amount of discarded 2PN stages in the field “discarded”.

If you have thawed oocytes in the 2PN stage, which you had entered in the block “Pronucleus stages” before, please indicate these separately in the column “From PN thawing” in both blocks.



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In both blocks, “From IVF” and “From ICSI”, you decide what happens to the 2PN stages selected for the embryo transfer – again, this is done separately according to their origin from either IVF or ICSI.

  • Enter the total amount of the transfered, morphologically ideal embryos in the field "ET morph. ideal" (max. of 3).
  • Enter the total amount of the transfered, morphologically not ideal embryos in the field "ET morph. n. ideal" (max. of 3).
  • Enter the transfer date in the new window.
  • Enter the total amount of arrested oocytes in the 2PN stage in the field "2PN arrest.".
  • Enter the total amount of embryos arrested in the embryonic stage (after the karyogamy) in the field "Embryo arrest".
  • Enter the total amount of atretic or lost oocytes in the field "Atr./discarded".
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The fields in the column “Thawing” will be filled out automatically as soon as oocytes are thawed in the course of the active cycle.


Cancelation before ET

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In the field "Reason for no ET" please select "no cancelation" if a transfer has taken place. Otherwise select the reason for the cancelation from the list.

If a treatment cannot be carried out (for example if there is no oocyte available) but the treatment semen analysis has already been created, this semen analysis can be assigned to the cycle anyway.

To do so, click the field “Semen analysis(only if no treatment)” and select an available semen analysis.

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