Contatori Seminali

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Concentration counter

Sperm counter



Predefined counting fields:

Number of sperms = 7


The key assignments can be changed in the settings.


The Concentration counter can be used with a keyboard, an external number pad or a touch screen.

A sound will identify when the counting has reached 200 entries. Then, the Concentration counter is closed and the results are automatically transferred to the Sperm calculator and can no longer be edited.



  • Keyboard Layout: select the desired keys for the implementation of the sperm counting. Additionally, the position of the selected buttons have to be set.  

For example: select Number of sperms for the F1 key and set the position to number 7. Now, the number 7 key will be changed to F1.

  • Sound: select the sound that will be played when counting. Press the speaker button to test it.



These settings are stored individually for each user.


Motility counter

The Motility counter was created to provide a better and faster solution for counting the different types of motile sperms.

It has a simple interface that allows you to count the various types of sperms with keyboard inputs. Additionally, the layout of the buttons are fully customisable and can be saved individually for each user.


Sperm counter

Predefined counting fields:
     Fast progressive motile = 7
     Slow progressive motile = 4
     Locally motile = 8
     Non-linear motile = 5
     Immotile = 9

The key assignments can be changed in the Configuration tab.


In the lower section of the Motility counter the current results are displayed. By default, motility is set to 200 sperms. This setting can be customized in the system settings.


The Motility counter differs during the current count in WHO A, WHO B, WHO C and WHO D and at the same time, calculates the respective percentage. This is also shown in the lower part of the counter.

The Motility counter can be used with a keyboard, an external number pad or a touch screen.

A sound will identify when the counting has reached 200 entries. Then, the Motility counter is closed and the results are automatically transferred to the Sperm calculator and can no longer be edited.



  • Keyboard Layout: select the desired keys for the implementation of the sperm counting. Additionally, the position of the selected buttons have to be set.

For example: select Immotile for the F1 key and set the position to number 9. Now, number 9 will be changed to F1.

  • Sound: select the sound that will be played when counting. Press the speaker button to test it.
  • Maximum number of sperms: choose the maximum number of sperms to be counted. This setting can be customized in the system settings. After reaching this value, the Motility counter closes and transfers the values to the sperm calculator.


These settings are stored individually for each user.


Morphology counter

Sperm counter

Predefined counting fields:

Normal forms = 7

Abnormal forms = 8

Head defects = 4

Neck and midpiece defects = 5

Tail defects = 6

Excess residual cytoplasm = 0


In the lower section the current number of sperms counted are recorded. By default, the sperm count is set to 200. This setting can be customized in the system settings.


The Morphology counter separates sperms into normal and abnormal forms, displaying the total amount of sperms at the lower section. Once the stipulate count is reached , you can only update the defects of the abnormal forms.


The percentages head defects, neck and midpiece defects, tail defects and excess redidual cytoplasm will be calculated from the number of abnormal forms.

The Morphology counter can be used with a keyboard, an external number pad or a touch screen.

A sound will identify when the counting has reached 200 entries. Then, the results are transferred to the Sperm calculator and they can no longer be edited.



  • Keyboard Layout: select the desired keys for the implementation of the sperm counting. Additionally, the position of the selected buttons has to be set.

For example: select Excess residual cytoplasm for the number 1 key, and set the position to number 1. Now, number 0 will be changed to 1.

  • Sound: select the sound that will be played when counting. Press the speaker button to test it.
  • Maximum number of sperms: choose the maximum number of sperms to be counted. This setting can be customized in the system settings. After reaching this value, the Morphology counter closes and transfers the values to the sperm calculator.


These settings are stored individually for each user.

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