Come trovare la posizione di un paziente?
From MedITEX - Wiki
Accessing information about a patient's location is relatively easy. Simply click on Patient's location, on the top left corner at the Supporting links.
A new window will open containing all patients and their respective information. The current location of patients is indicated by the column Patient in room.
This window also allows you to do the following tasks:
- Filter the list by a given resource.
- Change the status of the treatment and appointment.
- Open the appointment editor by selecting a patient and clicking on Close window and show appointment.
- Rearrange the sorting/viewing of the list. Changes here will not reflect on the waiting room list.
In the list you will see:
- The name of the patient.
- The starting time for the appointment.
- The type of the treatment.
- Allocated resources for this appointment.
- The status of the treatment.
- The current location (room) of the patient.
- The elapsed time of the patient in the current room.
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