Come creare un nuovo contratto crio?
From MedITEX - Wiki
Un nuovo contratto crio può essere creato dalla sezione Anagrafica del paziente. Per crearlo cliccare nella freccina accanto all'icona "Nuovo elemento". Dal menù a tendina selezionare "Contratto crio".
Da questa nuova finestra, inserire tutte le informazioni e selezionare i campioni di materiale che devono essere assegnate al quel contratto.
Selezionare il documento che verrà usato come contratto, nella parte bassa della pagina o cliccare su "Crea contratto" per autogenerare il contratto con i dati inseriti.
Cliccare OK per salvare.
Spiegazione dei campi/icone:
- Contract date: date of creation of the contract.
- Contract start: date when the contract start being valid.
- Contract no.: number of the contract. It can be auto generated pressing the button .
- Contract: coverage (in months) of the contract.
- Frequency: how often the contract has to be update.
- Amount: cost of the contract.
- Payment method: method for paying the invoice generated after the contract.
- Created by: person that created the contract.
- Status: current situation of the contract. This can be active or terminated. Active contracts are still valid and in case a contract has expired, all straws are thawed or for some other reason the contract is not necessary, a contract can have its status terminated.
- Date: date when the contract was terminated. This field is only activated when terminated status is checked.
- Reason: reason for terminating the contract. This field is only activated when terminated status is checked.
- Note: blank space left for unusual situations where it is necessary to have information documented.
- Straw selection: list of straws cryopreserved for the selected patient.
- Document: selection of file to be used as a template for the contract.
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