Come aggiungere una persona in MedITEX Administration?

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Rights management - Administration of staff and users.


Per aggiungere un nuovo utente in MedITEX Administration, aprire la tab Gestione staff e utenti.

  1. Premere  in alto.
  2. Si aprirà una finestra vuota. Qui è possibile inserire i dati necessari.


User name: displays the username when editing a person. If a new person is being added, this field will be blank.


Show in colour: this is the colour that will be displayed for this user throughout all MedITEX programs.


External staff member: select this box for external members working for the clinic.


Active: this check box allows this person to be selectable throughout program forms. For example: if Dr. Johnson does not have this box checked, he will not be able to be selected for a treatment.


Function: type of work done by this person.


Rights: these are the permissions of this person.


Contact information about this person.


The last step is clicking on the button Enter username and password at the bottom on this screen. The following window will open:

Please add a username of 10 characters maximum and a password of at least 6 characters.


Press the OK button to confirm the username and password, then press OK one more time to save this user.

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