FIVNAT Medical History
From MedITEX - Wiki
Name / Database field |
Part of the document |
Field in MedITEX |
Sterility type woman (Typ Sterilität Frau) INFERT_FEM_KIND |
Female medical history -> Fertility -> Infertility type |
Sterility type man (Typ Sterilität Mann) INFERT_MAN_KIND |
Male medical history -> General -> Infertility type |
Number of previous IVF/ICSI treatments fresh (Anzahl vorheriger Behandlungen IVF_DECLARED_ATTEMPT_NB |
Female medical history -> Basic -> Previous treatments -> Number of IVF and ICSI treatments |
Number of births after previous IVF/ICSI (Anzahl Geburten nach vorherigen IVF/ICSI) IVF_DELIV_NB |
Female medical history -> Basic -> Gravida Para section -> Gravida number |
Number of miscarriages after previous IVF/ICSI (Anzahl Fehlgeburten nach IVF_ABORT_NB |
Female medical history -> Basic -> Gravida Para section -> Abort number |
Number of etopic pregnancies after previous IVF/ICSI (Anzahl Eileiterschwangerschaften IVF_EUP_NB |
Female medical history -> Basic -> Gravida Para section -> Ectopic number |
Additional occurrence of certain female pathologies (Zusätzliches Auftreten bestimmter weiblicher Pathologien) ParticularFemalePathology01-15 |
Female medical history -> Basic -> Sterility factors -> Fields 1, 2, 3, 4 and text field |
Spermiogram before IVF/ICSI (Spermiogramm vor IVF/ICSI) Spermiogram1-8 |
Semen analysis -> Diagnosis |
Other male pathologies (Andere männliche Pathologien) Pathol_Other_Male1-9 |
Male medical history -> Fertility impairment factors -> Varicocele, StatusAfterVaricocele, KlinefelterSyndrome, ParaplegiaOrTetraplegia, StatusAfterTesticleNeoplasia, Other Male medical history -> Basic -> Chromosome analysis Male medical history -> Basic -> CFTR carrier |
Unprotected intercourse since (Kinderwunsch seit) INFERT_START_YEAR |
Female medical history -> Unprotected intercourse since -> Year |
Indications for IVF or ICSI and/or comorbidities (Indikation für IVF oder ICSI IVF_INDICATION01-12 |
Cycle details -> Main indication |