SMS interface

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Revision as of 16:14, 26 November 2012 by LuFe (Talk | contribs)

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The SMS interface you can find as a button in the menu bar in the following areas:

  • Demographics
  • Medical history
  • Laboratory diagnostics
  • Male / Female examination
  • Individual cycles overviews


By clicking on the arrow next to the "New Message" button, you can open a new window for writing a new SMS.


Window for sending SMS



Only save the SMS without sending.

 Cancel the operation.
 Save and send the SMS.


Clickable Areas


 The current date is automatically inserted.
 Choose the person, which dispatches the SMS.

Insert the phone number of the patient. If you saved the number at the demographics, it will be automatically added.

It is important to write the number beginning with the country code, eg.: ++44 123 45 67 890.

The text field for your message.

If you want to call the SMS at a later stage,

you need only type the first letter in the input field.

The saved text will be appears.

In this little box above the text box, you can see how many characters you have available.


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