Cumulative pregnancy rate
From MedITEX - Wiki
Explanation about calculation of the statistic in MedITEX KPI
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Cumulative pregnancy rate per retrieval
MedITEX KPI shows the cumulative pregnancy rate per retrieval as following:
- Pregnancy rate after first attempts
- Pregnancy rate after second attempts
- Pregnancy rate after third attempts
The cumulative pregnancy rate per retrieval considers as attempt every fresh cycle (IVF, ICSI, IVF/ICSI), having follicle aspiration performed. For the calculation of the rate of the attempt, the sum of the number of pregnancies archived in this and all previous attempts is divided through the number of first attempts.
The rate considers also the pregnancy outcome of the corresponding thawing cycles (cryo cycles where material from these cycles is used). This means, a pregnancy is counted once if at least one pregnancy was archived in the fresh or in one corresponding thawing cycle.
Important: not only first three cycles of a couple are used for calculation of cumulative PG rate, but all cycles (in certain time-range) which represent first, second or third attempts to get pregnant. After an “ongoing” pregnancy was archived the next attempt counts again as first cycle.
The following example is supposed to visualise the calculation:
100 couples are starting an IVF treatment.
In the first cycle 50%, which means 50 women, get pregnant.
Of the 50 not pregnant women get 50%, 25 women, pregnant in second cycle.
Of the remaining 25, get 12 women pregnant in third cycle, which means 48%.
If the chance to archive a pregnancy is per cycle around 50%, the pregnancy rate after 3 cycles will NOT be 150% (from example 148%). In the example, 87 from 100 women got pregnant within 3 cycles. This means a cumulative pregnancy rate of 87%.
Cumulative pregnancy rate of 1. attempts = 50 / 100 ∙100% = 50%
Cumulative pregnancy rate of 2. attempts = (50+25) / 100 ∙100% = 75%
Cumulative pregnancy rate of 3. attempts = (50+25+12) / 100 ∙100% = 87%
- More information about cumulative pregnancy rate per follicle aspiration can be found here.
Cumulative pregnancy rate per ET
The calculation of cumulative pregnancy rate per embryo transfer considers all cycles having an embryo transfer (fresh cycles – IVF, ICSI, IVF/ICSI, as well as thawing cycles).
For the calculation of the rate per attempt, the sum of pregnancies is divided through the number of first attempts.
- More information about cumulative pregnancy rate per embryo transfer can be found here.