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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

File list
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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
13:32, 31 March 2016octax regfile.png (file)24 KBPhSe 1
13:33, 31 March 2016MedITEX OCTAX.reg (file)506 BPhSe 1
14:15, 31 March 2016octax 1.png (file)488 KBPhSe 1
15:01, 31 March 2016octax 2.png (file)758 KBPhSe 1
15:41, 31 March 2016octax 3.png (file)411 KBPhSe 2
15:55, 31 March 2016octax 4.png (file)500 KBPhSe 1
15:57, 31 March 2016octax 5.png (file)487 KBPhSe 1
15:58, 31 March 2016octax 6.png (file)501 KBPhSe 1
09:24, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 1.png (file)43 KBPhSe 1
09:25, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 2.png (file)38 KBPhSe 1
09:26, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 3.png (file)34 KBPhSe 1
09:26, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 4.png (file)976 BPhSe 1
09:27, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 5.png (file)1 KBPhSe 1
09:27, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 6.png (file)2 KBPhSe 1
09:28, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 7.png (file)7 KBPhSe 1
09:28, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 8.png (file)5 KBPhSe 1
09:29, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 9.png (file)4 KBPhSe 1
09:29, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 10.png (file)5 KBPhSe 1
09:30, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 11.png (file)9 KBPhSe 1
09:30, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 12.png (file)1,012 BPhSe 1
09:31, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 13.png (file)46 KBPhSe 1
09:31, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 14.png (file)75 KBPhSe 1
09:32, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 15.png (file)3 KBPhSe 1
09:32, 5 April 2016Interfaccia 16.png (file)74 KBPhSe 1
09:46, 5 April 2016Panoramica 1.png (file)17 KBPhSe 1
09:47, 5 April 2016Panoramica 2.png (file)17 KBPhSe 1
09:48, 5 April 2016Panoramica 3.png (file)19 KBPhSe 1
09:48, 5 April 2016Panoramica 4.png (file)48 KBPhSe 1
09:48, 5 April 2016Panoramica 5.png (file)175 KBPhSe 1
09:49, 5 April 2016Panoramica 6.png (file)64 KBPhSe 1
09:49, 5 April 2016Panoramica 7.png (file)70 KBPhSe 1
11:53, 20 May 2016SecurityIE.PNG (file)14 KBPhSe 1
13:41, 20 May 2016cumulative pregnancy 1.png (file)28 KBPhSe 1
13:45, 20 May 2016cumulative pregnancy 2.PNG (file)59 KBPhSe 1
14:02, 20 May 2016cumulative pregnancy 3.PNG (file)56 KBPhSe 2
14:12, 20 May 2016KPI - Kumulative Schwangerschaftsrate.pdf (file)143 KBPhSe 1
15:05, 23 June 2016Definition Zyklusbeginn - Stichdatum.pdf (file)1.31 MBPhSe 1
15:38, 23 June 2016Pickaprinter.PNG (file)33 KBPhSe 1
13:54, 5 July 2016MainAdmRed.png (file)47 KBPhSe 3
14:31, 8 August 20162016-06-14 ARTbox Aufstellanleitung v3.pdf (file)257 KBPhSe 1
12:05, 11 August 2016DDE 1.PNG (file)277 KBPhSe 1
12:05, 11 August 2016DDE 2.PNG (file)111 KBPhSe 1
12:06, 11 August 2016DDE 3.PNG (file)31 KBPhSe 1
12:06, 11 August 2016DDE 4.PNG (file)16 KBPhSe 1
12:06, 11 August 2016DDE 5.PNG (file)33 KBPhSe 1
16:36, 24 August 2016ARTbox ToDo.pdf (file)305 KBPhSe 1
10:58, 12 September 2016QuickScan I QD2400.pdf (file)296 KBPhSe 1
14:10, 12 September 2016Additional features administration.PNG (file)17 KBPhSe 1
14:31, 12 September 2016bcqd scann.png (file)35 KBPhSe 1
14:52, 12 September 2016bcqd4.pdf (file)1.02 MBPhSe 1

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