Lab diagnostics female

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Revision as of 17:58, 3 December 2012 by JuRu (Talk | contribs)

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The Lab diagnostics page is divided in two main parts:

  • The upper contains a summary of previous pregnancies (only for the female patient) and some anthropometric data.
  • The lower section contains a list of all Lab exames performed and, for the male patient, a section containing a list of all the spermiogram performed.

Note: If the summary of previous pregnancies is clicked a window showing the outcome of the previous pregnancies will pop up.


"Home" button: Click on this icon to go to the starting window.
New sample: Click on this icon to document a new sample.
Multiple entry: Click on this icon to document many new samples at a time.
Lab order:
Statistics: Click on this icon to create a graphical representation of lab values.
Print: Click on this icon to print the list of lab samples.
New message:
Go to partner: Click here to go to the partner's Lab diagnostics.

With these two buttons you can decide how much rows you see in the list. (Expand all rows, Collapse all rows)

Clickable areas

Some clickable areas have special functionalities. Click on it to have more information.

 Here you can add the date of initial consultation.
It is no clickable area. You can see informations about the physique of the patient.
Previous pregnancies: Click on this link to open  a window showing more info related to previous pregnancies' outcome.