FIVNAT Fresh and Cryo Cycles

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Pos Spaltenname Fresh Cycles
A reserved empty
AA IVF_DELIV_NB female medical history > basic > Right below previouse treatments group(red line) gravida number
AB IVF_EUP_NB female medical history > basic > Right below previouse treatments group(red line) ectopics number
AC ParticularFemalePathology01 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AD ParticularFemalePathology02 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AE ParticularFemalePathology03 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AF ParticularFemalePathology04 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AG ParticularFemalePathology05 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AH ParticularFemalePathology06 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AI ParticularFemalePathology07 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AJ ParticularFemalePathology08 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AK ParticularFemalePathology09 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AL ParticularFemalePathology10 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AM ParticularFemalePathology11 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AN ParticularFemalePathology12 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AO ParticularFemalePathology13 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AP ParticularFemalePathology14 Medical history female>stirility factors (rd$hauptindikation)
AQ ParticularFemalePathology15 if its non of the above and the free text is filled then "1" otherwise 0
AR Spermiogram1 rd$andro_diagnose , for any of the 2 sperm samples used, if 1 is selected then 1 otherwise 0(in cycle>cultur>treatment sperm>sperm analysis>diagnosis)
AS Spermiogram2 rd$andro_diagnose , if 6 is selected then 1 otherwise 0(in sperm analysis>diagnosis)
AT Spermiogram3 rd$andro_diagnose , if 7 is selected then 1 otherwise 0(in sperm analysis>diagnosis)
AU Spermiogram4 rd$andro_diagnose , if 8 is selected then 1 otherwise 0(in sperm analysis>diagnosis)
AV Spermiogram5 rd$andro_diagnose , if 3 is selected then 1 otherwise 0(in sperm analysis>diagnosis)
AW Spermiogram6 rd$andro_diagnose , if 13 is selected then 1 otherwise 0(in sperm analysis>diagnosis)
AX Spermiogram7 if diagnosis isnt one of the above, then 0, otherwise, 1
AY Spermiogram8 if sperm sample 1 diuagnosis isnt selected, then 1, otherwise 0
AZ Pathol_Other_Male1 same as female AB,AC… but with Male medical history > general> fetility imparement factors (rd$androl_indikation)
B reserved empty
BA Pathol_Other_Male2 same as female AB,AC… but with Male medical history > general> fetility imparement factors
BB Pathol_Other_Male3 same as female AB,AC… but with Male medical history > general> fetility imparement factors
BC Pathol_Other_Male4 If male medical history > general > chromosom analysis is 3 then this value is 1 (rd$chromosomenanalyse)
BD Pathol_Other_Male5 same as bc but for --->general Cftr -carrier  - rd$cftrtrigger (if its 2 then 1)
BE Pathol_Other_Male6 same as AZ for males
BF Pathol_Other_Male7 same as female AB,AC… but with Male medical history > general> fetility imparement factors (rd$androl_indikation)
BG Pathol_Other_Male8 same as female AB,AC… but with Male medical history > general> fetility imparement factors (rd$androl_indikation)
BH Pathol_Other_Male9 if non of the above and text field is filled, then 1
BI INFERT_START_YEAR female medical history > basic > unprotected intercorse since > year
BJ IVF_INDICATION01 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)100
BK IVF_INDICATION02 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)101
BL IVF_INDICATION03 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)102
BM IVF_INDICATION04 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)103
BN IVF_INDICATION05 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)104
BO IVF_INDICATION06 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)105
BP IVF_INDICATION07 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)106
BQ IVF_INDICATION08 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)107
BR IVF_INDICATION09 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)108
BS IVF_INDICATION10 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)109
BT IVF_INDICATION11 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)110
BU IVF_INDICATION12 Cycle information > main indikation (rd$hauptindikation)111
BV Import_Date "" empty string
BZ Cycle_fert_techn_plan planned cycle 1 ,2 3
CA stimul_start_date First stimulation drug date(cycle > over view > medication > smallest stimulation drug date)
CB Protocol cycle information> stimulation protocole(rd$stimulation_protocole)100=1,101=2,102=4,else and not null = 3  ,0 for null
CC GnRHAgonist if a medikation of type =6 (from t_medik_bereich) then 1 otherwise 0
CD GnRHAntagonist if a medikation of type =7 (from t_medik_bereich) then 1 otherwise 0
CE stimul_follic_growth1 no stimulation drug is selected = 1, stimulation select =0
CF stimul_follic_growth2 if a medikation of type =5 (from t_medik_bereich) then 1 otherwise 0
CG stimul_follic_growth3 if a medikation of type =3 (from t_medik_bereich) then 1 otherwise 0
CH stimul_follic_growth4 if a medikation of type =2 (from t_medik_bereich) then 1 otherwise 0
CI stimul_follic_growth5 if a medikation of type =1 (from t_medik_bereich) then 1 otherwise 0
CJ stimul_follic_growth6 if a medikation of type =4 (from t_medik_bereich) then 1 otherwise 0
CK stimul_follic_growth7 0 const
CL stimul_follic_growth8 if stimulation date exists, and type does not belong to the above cases, then 1 otherwise 0
CM stimul_failure if cycle is canceled, then 1, otherwise 0. In cycle overview, right click on the event, Cancel before treatment.
CN stimul_failure_reason 1 if cycle was cancled, 0 if cycle is still active
CO OPU_Date cycle information > aspiration date
CP OPU_OOCYTES_COLLECTED oocytes collected in aspiration
CQ FERT_TECHNIQUE ferilation technique( can be 1,2,3,4,0)
CR OPU_OOCYTES_M2 Kulture M2 cells count
CS OPU_OOCYTES_M1 Kulture M1cells count
CT OPU_OOCYTES_GV Kulture GV cells count
CU OriginOfSperm_OriginOfSperm1 if one of the first two sperm samples used in the cycle is not donated then 1, otherwise 0
CV OriginOfSperm_OriginOfSperm2 if one of the first two sperm samples used in the cycle is donated then 1, otherwise 0
CW OriginOfSperm_OriginOfSperm21 if one of the first two sperm samples used in the cycle is thawed then 1, otherwise 0
CX OriginOfSperm_OriginOfSperm22 if one of the first two sperm samples used in the cycle is not thawed then 1, otherwise 0
CY OriginOfSperm_OriginOfSperm31 if one of the first two sperm samples used in the cycle have the values of for gewinungsart-id: 1 or 2 then 1 otherwise 0 (t_spermangewinnug)
CZ OriginOfSperm_OriginOfSperm32 if one of the first two sperm samples used in the cycle have the values of for gewinungsart-id: 4,5,6,7 then 1 , otherwise 0 (t_spermangewinnug)
D CenterID Clinic ID in settings > Clinic
DA OriginOfSperm_OriginOfSperm33 0 const
DB OriginOfSperm_OriginOfSperm34 0 const
DC OPU_INSEM_OOCYTES The total number of OOCtyes inseminated with ivf or icsi(kultur)



number of thawed oocytes that were perserved by slowfreezing



number of thawed oocytes that were perserved by vitrification
DF NBOocytesDestroyed Lost oocytes from thawed/fresh(kultur)
DG Day1_nonfert_Nb total number of day1 fresh oocytes that have no treatment on day 1 or 2
DH Day1_zygotes1PN_Nb total number of fresh 1pn cells avaalable within day 1 in the cycle
DI Day1_zygotes2PN_Nb total number of fresh 2pn cells avaalable within day 1 in the cycle
DJ Day1_zygotes3PN_Nb total number of fresh 3pn cells avaalable within day 1 in the cycle



number of thawed PNs that were perserved by slowfreezing



number of thawed PNs that were perserved by vitrification
DM NbZygotesleftinculture 0 const
DN NbZygotesDestroyed number of pns destroyed.  coalesce(SEIVFLOST,0) + coalesce(SEIVFLOSTPNAT,0) + coalesce(SEICSILOST,0) + coalesce(SEICSILOSTPNAT,0))
DO TotalNbEmbryos_day2 total fresh embryos within day 2 of cultur
DP CryopreservationOfEmbryos_embryos_Slowfreezing_Nb number of thawed embryos that were perserved by slowfreezing
DQ CryopreservationOfEmbryos_embryos_Vitrification_Nb number of thawed embryos that were perserved by vitrification
DR ReasonForEmbryoCryo If the database is:
for the kultur QM field's 'Motivo della crioconservazione' values, the corresponding number will be set:
'Sindrome da iperstimolazione ovarica' then 1
'Malattia concomitante' then 2
'Emorragia' then 3
'Rischio di gravidanza multipla' then 4
'Stenosi cervicale' then 5
'Causa imprevista' then 6
'Altro' then 7
for the kultur QM field's 'Grund für Embryo-Kryokonservierung' values, the corresponding number will be set:
'OHSS' then 1
'Begleiterkrankungen' then 2
'Blutungen' then 3
'Vermeidung von Mehrlingen' then 4
'Not-Kryokonservierung' then 5
'Sonstige' then 6
'Keine' then 7
DS EMBR_INTRA_VAG_NB No. intrauterine in (cycle>pregnancy > No. intrauterine)
DT EMBR_DESTR_NB icsi and ivf embryos lost(in kultur)??
DU EMBR_DESTR_REASON If the database is of the following language, the corresponidng number value for the specified cultur QM field/value will be set:

'Motivo della distruzione'= 'Arresto evoluzione' then 1
'Motivo della distruzione' = 'Potenziale sviluppo molto basso' then 2
'Motivo della distruzione'= 'Volontà della coppia' then 3
'Motivo della distruzione'= 'Altri motivia' then 4

'Grund für Embryoverwerfung' = 'Entwicklungsstop' then 1
'Grund für Embryoverwerfung'= 'Sehr niedriges Entwicklungspotenzial' then 2
'Grund für Embryoverwerfung' = 'Entscheidung des Paares' then 3
'Grund für Embryoverwerfung' = 'Sonstige Gründe' then 4
DV EMBR_RESEARCH_NB total embryos frozen for research(of the first 4 frozen female samples in the cycle), in therapie>????????? Check and check field name"kg3.kg_zur_forschung_frei"
DW EMBR_RESEARCH_REASON same location as the above field(dv)
if the research reason select for ANY of the first 4 frozen female samples (from rd$research_reason) is =1 then 1, if 2, then 2, if 3 then 3 (in the corresponding order) otherwise, 0
DX TRANSFER if a cell transfer occurs in cultur, then 1, otherwise 0 
DY transfer_cancelled if no female sample thawing took place and if therapie is cancled for 100 then 1, if 101 then 2 , if 102 or 103 then 3 , if not of the above and not 0 nor 1 then 5 , if non of the above, then 0
#If female thawing took place and the therapie was cancled THEN if cancelation is for 3 then 1, if non of the above then 0 (From rd$abbrucht_t)
DZ ZygotesTransferred_IVF_NB total transferred ivf 2pns(ideal+nideal)
E SubCenterID PRN in settings> Clinic
EA ZygotesTransferred_ICSI_NB total transferred icsi 2pns(ideal+nideal)
EB EmbryosTransfer_IVF_NB total transferred ivf embryos(ideal+nideal)
EC EmbryosTransfer_ICSI_NB total transferred icsi embryos(ideal+nideal)
ED Transfer_DATE main transfer date in(cycle > transfer > "date of transfer" )
EE TreatmentAfterTransfer if drug type used for treamtnet is in 12 , 10 , 9(from rd$medikamente) then 2,4,5 in the corresponding order
 if non of the above, then ???????? (check)
EF TRANSF_COMPLIC_YES_NO if transfer complications are selected then 1, otherwise 0.
EG TRANSF_COMPLIC_HOSP if "main complication" in (cycle>transfer) is 5 then1, if 6 then 2 otherwise 0(from rd$trans_complication)
EH TRANSF_COMPLIC_HOSP_CRYO if "main complication" in (cycle>transfer) is 7 or 14  then 1 otherwise 0 (from rd$trans_complication)
EI TRANSF_COMPLIC_OTHER1 8 (in female cycle>transfer > complications)from rd$ trans_complication 
EJ TRANSF_COMPLIC_OTHER2 9 (in female cycle>transfer > complications)from rd$ trans_complication 
EK TRANSF_COMPLIC_OTHER3 10 (in female cycle>transfer > complications)from rd$ trans_complication 
EL TRANSF_COMPLIC_OTHER4 11 (in female cycle>transfer > complications)from rd$ trans_complication 
EM TRANSF_COMPLIC_OTHER5 12 (in female cycle>transfer > complications)from rd$ trans_complication 
EN TRANSF_COMPLIC_OTHER6 13 (in female cycle>transfer > complications)from rd$ trans_complication 
EO TRANSF_COMPLIC_OTHER7 14 (in female cycle>transfer > complications)from rd$ trans_complication 
EP CYCLE_RESULT if no pregnancy exisits in pregnacy tab(cycle>pregnancy) then 1
if positive pg test is checked, then 2
if clinical pregnacy is checked, then 3
if the cyclke is not cancled from the overview tab, then 4
if you have treated oocytes with ivf or icsi, but no 2pns out of them and 2pns from ivf + 2pns from icsi =0  then 6(in kultur> oocytes treated wuith ivf+oocytes treated with icsi > 0)
(in kultur> oocytes treated wuith ivf+oocytes treated with icsi > 0) and number of total embryos is 0
if cycle is not cancled in cultur then 8
otherwise 9
EQ ThawingOf1 if PNs were thawed then 1 , otherwise 0
ER ThawingOf2 if embryos were thawed then 1 , otherwise 0
ES ThawingOf3 if oocytes were thawed then 1 , otherwise 0
ET DateOfLastMenstruation if it’s a normal cycle then the the selected value is the aspiration date of the cycle, if aspiration is not a part of this cycle, then the date of the stimulation start
EU StimulationType if planned stimulation is 2 then 1
if its not 2 and there is a stimulatio drug applied in the cycle then 2
if is not 2 and a drug from external stimulation group is selected, then 1, otherwise 0??
EV OocytesCryoAnotherCenter if some thawed oocytes are received from anouther center (calculated when the frozen sample has a "registered clinic of origon")then 2 , if oocytes are only from the current clinic then 1, if  no oocytes are thawed then 0 
EW ZygotesCryoAnotherCenter total thawed PNs received from anouther center  (calculated when the frozen sample has a "registered clinic of origon")then 2 , if pns are only from the current clinic then 1, if  no pns are thawed then 0 
EX EmbryosCryoAnotherCenter total thawed Embryos received from anouther center  (calculated when the frozen sample has a "registered clinic of origon")then 2 , if embryos are only from the current clinic then 1, if  no embryos are thawed then 0 
EY DateOfThawing First female thawings date within the treatment
EZ NumberOfZygotesThawed total number of pns
F DynelyticsCoupleID Couple ID
FA NumberOfzygotessurvived total surviving thawed pns
FB Zygotes_Cryopreserved_Nb total cryoperserved pns within this therapie
FC NumberOfEmbryosThawed total number of thawed embryos
FD EMBR_DESTR_THAWING total Atrratic or lost embryos from thawing in this therapie(I therapie >cryo thawing >atr/lost emb)
FE Embryos_Cryopreserved_Nb total number of cryoperserved embryos
FF ReasonForEmbryoreCryo      #       when the database language code is Italian then              
                    when  the  value of the qm field 'Motivo della crioconservazione' in kultur  = 'Sindrome da iperstimolazione ovarica' then 1
                when  the value of the qm field 'Motivo della crioconservazione' in kultur  = 'Malattia concomitante' then 2
                   when  the  value of the qm field 'Motivo della crioconservazione' in kultur = 'Emorragia' then 3
                     when  the value of the qm field 'Motivo della crioconservazione' in kultur  == 'Rischio di gravidanza multipla' then 4
                     when  the  value of the qm field 'Motivo della crioconservazione' in kultur  = 'Stenosi cervicale' then 5
                    when  the  value of the qm field 'Motivo della crioconservazione' in kultur  = 'Causa imprevista' then 6
                      when  the  value of the qm field 'Motivo della crioconservazione' in kultur   = 'Altro' then 7
                    otherwise then 8            
       #        when the database language code is German then         
                     when  the  value of the qm field 'Grund für Embryo-Kryokonservierung' = 'OHSS' then 1
                    when  the  value of the qm field 'Grund für Embryo-Kryokonservierung'  = 'Begleiterkrankungen' then 2
                    when  the  value of the qm field 'Grund für Embryo-Kryokonservierung' = 'Blutungen' then 3
                  when  the  value of the qm field 'Grund für Embryo-Kryokonservierung' ='Vermeidung von Mehrlingen' then 4
               when  the  value of the qm field 'Grund für Embryo-Kryokonservierung' = 'Not-Kryokonservierung' then 5
                   when  the  value of the qm field 'Grund für Embryo-Kryokonservierung' = 'Sonstige' then 6
                  when  the  value of the qm field 'Grund für Embryo-Kryokonservierung' = 'Keine' then 7
                    otherwise 8              
FG NumberOfOOcytesThawed total number of thawed oocytes
FH NumberOfsurvivingOOcytesThawed total number of surviving thawed oocytes
FI reserved "     "(empty string)    
FJ destructionkind 0 const
FK destructionOf1 0 const
FL destructionOf2 0 const
FM destructionOf3 0 const
FN DateOfdestruct Null const
FO EMBR_DESTR_REASON_destruction 0 const
FP ReasonForDestrOocytes 0 const
FQ ReasonForDestrZygotes 0 const
FR NBOocytesTransported 0 const
FS NBZygotesTransported 0 const
FT PREG_ECHOGRAPHY if in 'female>cycle >pregnancy>aminoic activity'
the values of no.intertwin extertwine is more than 0 then 2
if an embryo exists then3 , if both are not present then 0 
FU PREG_GEST_SACS_NB no. intrauterine + no.extrauterine,  in (cycle>pregnancy > No. intrauterine&no.extrauterine)
FV PREG_FETUS_12w_NB no. intrauterine + no.extrauterine,  in (cycle>pregnancy > No. intrauterine&no.extrauterine)
FW PREG_FETUS_REMOV_YES_NO if induced abortion is applied to at least one fetus, the 1, otherwise 0
FX PREG_FETUS_REMOV_NB total number of induced abortion fetusis.
FY Preg_Result when at least one baby has a birth date, then 1

when a miscarriage takes place for an embryo and a date is set for the miscarriage (in cycle>pregnancy)  and the time between the cilinical pregnancy detection date and the miscarage date is between 3-6 months(for all embryos), then 3

when a miscarriage is set for an embryo(with the case 3 conditions unsatisfied) then 2

when cases 1,2 and 3 are not satisfied, and extertwine >0 and intertwine =0 then 4

when cases 1,2 ,3 and 4 are not satisfied, and extertwine >0 and intertwine >0 then 5

when previouse cases are not satisfied and induced abortion is set for at least one of the embryos then 6

if all previouse cases are not satisfied, then 7
FZ PREG_ABORT_DATE First abortion date
G BIRTHDATE_MAN Male Birthdate
GA PREG_ABORT_DESCRIBE indications of abortion in Cycle>pregnacy> aborted fetuses > indication of abortion(tinabort)
GB PREG_PATHOL_YES_NO if pregnancy complications exist then 1, otherwise 0
GC PREG_PATHOL01 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GD PREG_PATHOL02 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GE PREG_PATHOL03 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GF PREG_PATHOL04 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GG PREG_PATHOL05 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GH PREG_PATHOL06 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GI PREG_PATHOL07 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GJ PREG_PATHOL08 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GK PREG_PATHOL09 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GL PREG_PATHOL10 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GM PREG_PATHOL11 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GN PREG_PATHOL12 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GO PREG_PATHOL13 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GP PREG_PATHOL14 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GQ PREG_PATHOL15 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GR PREG_PATHOL16 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GS PREG_PATHOL17 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GT PREG_PATHOL18 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GU PREG_PATHOL19 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GV PREG_PATHOL20 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GW PREG_PATHOL21 rd$ss_koml_ab_.. If complication name is ?? Then 1 , otherwise 0
GX DELIV_MODE if one of the kids have a deliviry method of ??? Then 1, etc  , from the table : rd$tentbendungsart , in cycle> birth>delivary method
GY DELIV_DATE in cycle> birth> date of delivary , select the first avaaille delivary date for the babies.
GZ DELIV_BABY_NB number of babies born, in cycle>birth overview>children
H BIRTHDATE_WOMAN Female Birthdate
HA Baby_Baby1_BirthWeight first baby birth weight
HB Baby_Baby2_BirthWeight second baby birth weight
HC Baby_Baby3_BirthWeight third baby birth weight
HD Baby_Baby4_BirthWeight fourth baby birth weight
HE Baby_Baby1_MalfoDescribe icd10 description of baby 1 maformation condition (number 1) in therapie > kultur> birth
HF Baby_Baby2_MalfoDescribe icd10 description of baby 1 maformation condition (number 1) in therapie > kultur> birth
HG Baby_Baby3_MalfoDescribe icd10 description of baby 2 maformation condition (number 1) in therapie > kultur> birth
HH Baby_Baby4_MalfoDescribe icd10 description of baby 3 maformation condition (number 1) in therapie > kultur> birth
HI Baby_Baby1_Malformation if baby 1 has a congenital malformation registered in cycle>birth> congenital malformation, then 1, otherwise 0
HJ Baby_Baby2_Malformation if baby 2 has a congenital malformation registered in cycle>birth> congenital malformation, then 1, otherwise 0
HK Baby_Baby3_Malformation if baby 3 has a congenital malformation registered in cycle>birth> congenital malformation, then 1, otherwise 0
HL Baby_Baby4_Malformation if baby 4 has a congenital malformation registered in cycle>birth> congenital malformation, then 1, otherwise 0
HM Baby_Baby1_Sex baby 1 sex, 2 male 3 female(0 for not recorded or male-female)
HN Baby_Baby2_Sex baby 2 sex, 2 male 3 female(0 for not recorded or male-female)
HO Baby_Baby3_Sex baby 3 sex, 2 male 3 female(0 for not recorded or male-female)
HP Baby_Baby4_Sex baby 4 sex, 2 male 3 female(0 for not recorded or male-female)
HQ Baby_Baby1_Statusdischarge Child number 1: from:rd$kind_zustand, if congenital information = 0 and has not postpardum death date, and has no parental death date and status is 2  THEN 2
#If status if 4 then 3
#if the baby has a postpadum death date, and a birth date:
--#if the baby died within 6 days from birth then 4
--#if the baby died after more than or equal 7 days and less than or equal 28 days then 5
#if the baby has no registered death date in postpardum and parental death dates fields, and he/she has a congenital malformation value registered, then 6
#otherwise 0
HR Baby_Baby2_Statusdischarge Child number 2: from:rd$kind_zustand, if congenital information = 0 and has not postpardum death date, and has no parental death date and status is 2  THEN 2
#If status if 4 then 3
#if the baby has a postpadum death date, and a birth date:
--#if the baby died within 6 days from birth then 4
--#if the baby died after more than or equal 7 days and less than or equal 28 days then 5
#if the baby has no registered death date in postpardum and parental death dates fields, and he/she has a congenital malformation value registered, then 6
#otherwise 0
HS Baby_Baby3_Statusdischarge Child number 3: from:rd$kind_zustand, if congenital information = 0 and has not postpardum death date, and has no parental death date and status is 2  THEN 2
#If status if 4 then 3
#if the baby has a postpadum death date, and a birth date:
--#if the baby died within 6 days from birth then 4
--#if the baby died after more than or equal 7 days and less than or equal 28 days then 5
#if the baby has no registered death date in postpardum and parental death dates fields, and he/she has a congenital malformation value registered, then 6
#otherwise 0
HT Baby_Baby4_Statusdischarge Child number 4: from:rd$kind_zustand, if congenital information = 0 and has not postpardum death date, and has no parental death date and status is 2  THEN 2
#If status if 4 then 3
#if the baby has a postpadum death date, and a birth date:
--#if the baby died within 6 days from birth then 4
--#if the baby died after more than or equal 7 days and less than or equal 28 days then 5
#if the baby has no registered death date in postpardum and parental death dates fields, and he/she has a congenital malformation value registered, then 6
#otherwise 0
HU NBEmbryosTransported 0 const
HV EdorexCoupleId "" empty string
HW DataCorrection "" empty string
HX ReasonForEmbryoCryoOtherDesc "" empty string
HY TreatmentAfterTransferOtherDesc "" empty string
I LIVING_IN Female Country(in demographics)
J LIVING_IN_CH 1 for living in CH, 0 for not living in CH
K CycleKind if thawing exists then 1, if not then 2
L YEAR_DECLAR_FIVNAT start date of cycle or aspiration date
M CycleStatus empty string </td> </tr>
N</td> reserved</td> empty string
O reserved empty string </td> </tr>
P</td> reserved</td> empty string
Q reserved empty string </td> </tr>
R</td> reserved</td> empty string
S reserved empty string </td> </tr>
T</td> reserved</td> empty string
U reserved empty string </td> </tr>
V</td> reserved</td> empty string
W INFERT_FEM_KIND infertility type _ Female (female medical history > Fertility > Infertility type): 1=primary , 2 =secondary 99 = other) 
X INFERT_MAN_KIND infertility type _ Male (male medical history > General > Infertility type) : 1=primary , 2 =secondary 99 = other) 
Y IVF_DECLARED_ATTEMPT_NB female medical history > basic > previouse treatments group > number of ivf-icsi treatments +  current therapie number
Z IVF_ABORT_NB female medical history > basic > Right below previouse treatments group(red line) abort number