How to define a special view?

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Revision as of 10:43, 3 December 2012

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<img src="/images/SpecialViewEditRed.png" alt="" width="142" height="193" /> To create a special view, you have to click at the arrow on the right side of the button "Special selection". Click on "Edit".


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<img src="/images/DefineSpecialViewNew.png" alt="" width="568" height="530" />


  • In this list it is possible to change the order of resources by moving the selected resource up or down using the corresponding buttons on the right side.
  • This order will be saved for each user individually. So if you quit the scheduler and log in again you will see the order as you have defined it.
  • If you select a different view and want to return to your defined view, click on "Special Selection".


For example:
If you choose the selection shown above, you obtained this view:

You can see the view of three days for John Doe, Jane Doe and Miss Assistance.

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